مقالات مرتبط

انتشار محتوا: ۱۷ تیر ۱۴۰۲ ساعت ۱۰:۴۳:۱۳ قبل از ظهر

مقالات مرتبط


 ردیف عنوان  لینک 

 Effect of vitamin C on tissue damag

e and oxidative stress following tunica vaginalis

flap coverage after testicular torsion


Protective effect of tadalafil and verapamil on testicular function and oxidative stress after torsion/detorsion in adult male rat

 ۳ Effect of Syzygium aromaticum (clove) extract on seminiferous tubules and oxidative stress after testicular torsion in adult rats  لینک
۴  Effect of Syzygium aromaticum (clove) extract on morphine withdrawal side effect in male reproductive system should be addressed   لینک
۵   Protective Effects of Matricaria chamomilla Extract on Torsion/ Detorsion-Induced Tissue Damage and Oxidative Stress in Adult Rat Testis  لینک
 ۶  The Protective Effect of Matricaria chamomilla Extract on Histological Damage and Oxidative Stress Induced by Torsion/Detorsion in Adult Rat Ovary لینک 
۷   The Effect of Galega officinalis on Hormonal and Metabolic Profile in a Rat Model of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome لینک 
 ۸  Protective effects of the hydroalcoholic extract of Fumaria parviflora on testicular injury induced by torsion/detorsion in adult rats  لینک


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